About me


Michael Chaberek O. P., S. Th. D.

Michał Chaberek

I am a Dominican Friar and a native of Gdansk, Poland. I joined the Dominican Order in 2000. In 2007, I was ordained in Krakow. I have worked as a student minister, a religion teacher for junior high and high school, a preacher and a chaplain. I arrived in the USA in 2012 shortly after completing my doctorate at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski’s University in Warsaw. My specialization is Fundamental Theology. In 2012-2013 I accomplished a postdoctoral internship at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. Currently I hold a teaching position at Collegium Intermarium, I am a director of the Steno Institute for Faith and Science and I cooperate with the En Arche Foundation, a think-tank committed to popularizing intelligent design.

My academic focus includes: the science-faith dialogue, theology of creation, the theory of intelligent design, philosophy of Thomas Aquinas, the theology of the body and the history of modern theology.